Day 4 Discussion On day 4, we learned about quantifying and communicating uncertainty. In the trust-a-thon session today, we want you to investigate uncertainties in the severe problem and
Tag: trustathon2022
Day 4 Discussion On day 4, we learned about quantifying and communicating uncertainty. In the trust-a-thon session today, we want you to investigate uncertainties in the tropical problem and
Day 4 Discussion On day 4, we learned about quantifying and communicating uncertainty. Today we will consider how to quantify uncertainty and communicate it for the Space problem and
Day 3 Discussion On day 3, we learned about the importance of trustworthy data and workflows as well as how to present case studies. In the trust-a-thon session today,
Day 3 Discussion On day 3, we learned about the importance of trustworthy data and workflows as well as how to present case studies. In the trust-a-thon session today,
Day 3 Discussion On day 3, we learned about the importance of trustworthy data and workflows as well as how to present case studies. In the trust-a-thon session today,
Day 2 Discussion On day 2, we learned more about explainability versus interpretability and about deep learning XAI Methods. Please have one of your team members reply in the comments
Day 2 Discussion On day 2, we learned more about explainability versus interpretability and about deep learning XAI Methods. Please have one of your team members reply in the comments
Day 2 Discussion On day 2, we learned more about explainability versus interpretability and about deep learning XAI Methods. Please have one of your team members reply in the comments
How to get started with the Trust-A-Thon Update (28 June 2022 12 PM MT): GPU Servers are now available. You should have received an invitation to the 2022 TAI4ES