AI2ES Talks
Talks to all of AI2ES, from both AI2ES speakers and outside speakers
- February 12: TBD – Amir Behzadan (UColorado)
- January 29: TBD
- December 4: AI Numerical Weather Prediction at NSF NCAR – David John “DJ” Gagne, John Schreck (NSF NCAR). Recording
- November 20: Using Hierarchical Superpixels to Improve Neural Network Attributions for Geospatial Models – Evan Krell (TAMU-CC). Recording
- October 23: Exploring NWS Forecasters’ Assessment of AI Guidance Trustworthiness – Mariana Cains (NCAR). Recording
- September 25: WoFSCast: A Machine Learning Model For Watch-to-Warning Scales – Monte Flora, Corey Potvin (NOAA). Slides, Paper, Recording
- September 11: Wildfire Occurrence Prediction for CONUS with the UNet3+ Deep Learning Model – Bethany Earnest (OU); Annual Review – Amy McGovern (OU). Recording
- July 31: Evaluation of Flash Drought Identification with Machine Learning Techniques – Stuart Edris (OU). Recording
- July 18: Stuart Edris PhD Defense. Recording
- July 17: Measuring Sharpness of AI-Generated Meteorological Imagery – Imme Ebert-Uphoff (CSU/CIRA). Recording
- July 17: Bethany Earnest PhD Defense. Recording
- July 2: Amanda Burke PhD Defense. Recording
- June 26: Code IT Camp – Del Mar College Team. Recording
- June 5: DiffObs: Generative Diffusion for Global Forecasting of Satellite Observations – Jason Stock (CSU). Recording
- May 22: Advancing Coastal Inundation Forecasting: A Multifaceted Machine Learning Approach – Marina Vicens-Miquel. Slides, Recording
- May 8: AI Governance: A Status Report on Federal Agencies’ Policy Development – Cary Coglianese (UPenn Carey Law). Recording
- April 24: An AI/ML Collaborative for Southeast Florida Coastal Environmental Data and Modeling Center – Jason Liu (FIU) and FIU ExpandAI team. Recording
- April 24: Andrew Justin MS Defense. Recording
- March 27: AI Foundation Models for Weather and Climate: Applications, Design, and Implementation – Campbell Watson, Karthik Mukkavilli (IBM). Recording
- March 13: Expand AI2ES for 4D space-time organization of precipitation processes and extremes, visualization tools, and workforce development – Samuel Shen (SDSU). Recording
- February 28: Dynamical Tests of a Deep-Learning Weather Prediction Model – Greg Hakim (UW). Recording
- February 14: Research Agenda for the Evaluation of AI-Based Weather Forecasting Models – Imme Ebert-Uphoff (CSU). Recording
- January 17: Machine-learned emulation of climate models – Chris Bretherton (Allen Institute for AI). Recording
- November 8: Pure AI-based weather forecasting models – Where are we and where should we go? – Jacob Radford (CIRA/CSU) / Unveiling Predictive Uncertainty: Evidential Deep Learning vs. Ensembles for P-Type Forecasting – John Schreck (NCAR). Recording, Slides (Radford), Sildes (Schreck)
- October 25: Vaisala Internship “Applying XAI To ML Hail Nowcasting” – Jay Rothenberger (OU). Recording, Slides
- October 11: Experience using the DMC AI2ES GeoAI curriculum and work at TAMUCC – Miranda Barrett (DMC/TAMU-CC). Recording
- September 27: International Collaboration with University of Valencia – Marina Vicens-Miquel (TAMU-CC), Veronica Nieves, Cristina Radin, Javier Martinez Amaya (U. Valencia). Recording
- September 13: Development and teaching of the Intro to AI course to undergrads – Phillip Davis (DMC). Recording
- August 30: Recording
- OceanNet and its applications on prediction Loop Current – Anna Lowe
- Gulf Stream – Michael Gray
- August 16: Exploring Physically-Informed Scaling for TC Intensity Prediction – Marie McGraw (CSU). Recording
- July 26: TAMU-CC REU and Undergrad Research Associate lightning talks and Del Mar College CODE IT II Camp presentation. Recording
- July 21: AI2ES Research Experiences for Undergraduates – final 12-minute presentations. Recording
- July 18: Master’s Thesis Defense – Visibility Estimation from Camera Images Using Deep Learning – Mel Wilson Reyes (OU). Recording
- July 11: Master’s Thesis Defense – Gridded Hail Nowcasting Using UNets, Lightning Observations, and the Warn-on-Forecast System – Tobias Schmidt (OU). Recording
- June 26: AI2ES Research Experiences for Undergraduates and SIParCS Interns 5-minute talks. Recording
- June 21: Recording
- Using Mathematical Techniques to Leverage Domain Knowledge in Image Analysis for Earth Science – Lander Ver Hoef (CSU)
- Training a CNN to Predict Tornadoes in Non-Supercellular MCS Storms – Amanda Murphy (OU)
- June 7: Recording
- International collaboration with National Meteorological Satellite Center of Korea Meteorological Administration: U-Net based model to estimate composite radar reflectivity using GK2A AMI data – Yoonjin Lee (CSU)
- Generative AI discussion
- June 6: Brainstorming the Future of AI in Education – Franklin Hays, OU HSC. Recording
- May 10: Friends Don’t Let Friends Deploy Black-Box Models: The Importance of Intelligibility in Machine Learning – Rich Caruana (Microsoft). Recording
- April 26: Envisioning Cooperative Visualization Systems – Melanie Tory (Northeastern). Recording
- April 12: Google Research and Forecasting for Africa – Jason Hickey (Google). Recording
- March 29: Recording
- Grid-Based Hail Nowcasting using UNets and WoFS NWP – Tobias Schmidt (OU)
- Using Deep Learning to Improve the NSSL’s Warn-On-Forecast System (WoFS) Forecast of Thunderstorm Location – Chad Wiley (OU)
- March 1: Recording
- February 15: Recording
- February 1: AtmoRep: Large Scale Representation Learning of Atmospheric Dynamics – Christian Lessig (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg). Slides, Recording
- January 18: AI in NOAA from workforce proficiency and training to new applications for tropical cyclones – Chris Slocum (NOAA). Slides, Recording
- December 7: A universal mechanism for long-term instabilities in deep learning-based digital twins for geophysical turbulence: Building seamless data-driven climate models – Ashesh Chattopadhyay (PARC). Recording
- November 9: Human-Centered AI: Ensuring Human Control, Enhancing Human Performance – Ben Shneiderman (University of Maryland). Slides, Recording
- October 26: Maximizing the Utility of High-Resolution Ensembles for Heavy Snowfall Forecasts – Jacob Radford (NOAA/CIRA). Recording
- September 28: AI2ES Year 2 Research Highlights and Review summary – Amy McGovern (OU), Elizabeth Barnes (CSU), Philippe Tissot (TAMU-CC), Christopher Wirz (NCAR), Ruoying He (NCSU), Kara Sulia (UAlbany), Mariana Cains (NCAR), Phillip Davis (DMC). Recording
- September 14: Trust and Perception of an AI System – Brian Stanton (NIST). Recording
- August 31: Explainable Wildfire Risk Model – Gabrielle Nyirjesy (IBM intern). Recording
- August 3: ML-ready Data – Douglas Rao (NOAA). Slides, Recording
- July 21: David Harrison PhD Defense. Recording
- July 20: TAMU-CC REU student presentations. Recording
- Introduction to Coding Camp – Dara Betz and Korinne Caruso (DMC)
- VAE predictions of coastal fog – Brian Colburn (TAMU-CC). Slides
- Comparison of AI methods for cold stunning predictions – Christian Duff (TAMU-CC) and Jarrett Woodall (Heidelberg University). Slides
- Comparison of AI methods for water level predictions – Ashley Marines (DMC/TAMU-CC) and Dante Ramirez (Texas Tech). Slides
- Internship at NRL Monterrey – Beto Estrada (TAMU-CC). Recording
- June 22: OU REU and NCAR SIParCS 5-minute talks. Recording
- June 8: Relational trust in human-agent teaming – Erin Chiou, Arizona State University. Recording
- May 25: Prerequisites, Causes, and Goals of Human Trust in AI – Ana Marasović, Allen Institute for AI. FAccT2020 paper. Recording
- May 11: AI2ES Postdoc Research Review (2 of 2). Recording
- Insights and progress across the development loop – Mariana Cains, NCAR. Slides
- Highlighting ‘depth’ of risk comm work – Christopher Wirz, NCAR. Slides
- SpatioTemporal Modeling from Multispectral Satellite Data using Deep Learning – Akansha Singh Bansal, CIRA/CSU. Slides
- Assessing the fidelity of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods using benchmark datasets – Antonios Mamalakis, CSU. Slides
- Ocean reanalysis data-driven machine learning prediction of Loop Current eddy movements in the Gulf of Mexico – Anna Lowe, NCSU. Slides
- Self Introduction – Vanessa Przybylo, UAlbany. Slides
- April 27: Defining Core Concepts & Key Terms for AI2ES – Monte Flora, NOAA; Ann Bostrom, UW; Dimitris Diochnos and Amy McGovern, OU; Mariana Cains, NCAR. Recording; Slides
- April 13: AI2ES Postdoc Research Review (1 of 2). Recording
- March 30: Trustworthy Machine Learning – Kush Varshney, IBM Research. Recording
- March 2: Considerations in Designing and Evaluation of ‘Intelligent’ Decision Aids – Emilie Roth, Roth Cognitive Engineering. Recording
- February 16: Probabilistic Assessment and Decisions – John Williams, IBM; Philippe Tissot, TAMU-CC; Brian Colburn, TAMU-CC. Recording
- February 2: Climate Research at PARC – Kalai Ramea, PARC; Recording (the primary presentation starts at the 14 minute mark)
- January 19: Introduction to Collaborative Coding – David John Gagne and Charlie Becker, NCAR; Antonio Medrano, TAMU-CC; Kevin Tyle, UAlbany. Presentation Slides; Recording
- December 8: Radiant MLHub: Developing Reproducible Machine Learning Workflows in Earth Sciences – Hamed Alemohammad, Radiant Earth Foundation. Recording
- November 10: Model Verification – Nate Snook, OU; Andrew Fagg, OU. Presentation Slides-Snook; Recording
- October 27: Ethical AI presentation by Dean Kaye Husbands Fealing, Georgia Tech. Recording
- October 13: Research Design and Content Analysis: Connections between Risk Comm and AI / ES – Mariana Cains, NCAR; Christopher Wirz, NCAR; Ann Bostrom, UW; Julie Demuth, NCAR. Presentation Slides; Recording
- September 29: Learning Reliable Rules under Class Imbalance – Dimitrios Diochnos, OU / Summarizing Probabilistic Forecast Performance with Verification Diagrams – Monte Flora, NOAA. Presentation Slides-Diochnos; Presentation Slides-Flora; Recording
- September 1: Safe and Fair Machine Learning: A Seldonian Approach – Philip Thomas, UMass. Presentation Slides; Recording
- August 18: AI2ES Educational and Outreach Year 2 transition and planning.
- July 22-23: AI2ES Research Experiences for Undergraduates – final 12-minute presentations. 7/22 Recording; 7/23 Recording
- June 28: Explainable AI for Environmental Science: Insights on strengths and weaknesses of different neural network attribution maps – Antonios Mamalakis, CSU. Presentation Slides; Recording
- June 23: GANs for Meteorology – a pitfall for creating false – Randy Chase, OU; Imme Ebert-Uphoff, CSU; David John Gagne, NCAR. Presentation Slides; Recording
- June 9: Trust in AI literature and the AI-severe-RC interview – Ann Bostrom, UW; Julie Demuth, NCAR; New Postdocs and GRA students. Presentation Slides; Recording
- May 26: REU Lightning talks – mentors / Abstention Networks – Elizabeth Barnes, CSU. Presentation Slides-REU; Presentation Slides-Barnes; Recording
- May 12: Google Crisis Response. Recording
- April 28: Responsible Use of AI – Imme Ebert-Uphoff, CSU. Presentation Slides; Recording
- April 14: Sea Turtles Conservation – Donna Shaver, NPS. Presentation Slides; Recording
- March 31: Introduction to NVIDIA – David Hall. Presentation Slides; Recording
- March 17: Disaster Tech – Sean Griffin and Andrew Foster. Recording
- March 3: Introduction to CSU/Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA). Presentation Slides; Recording
- February 17: Introduction to The Weather Company/IBM – John Williams / Campbell Watson. Presentation Slides-Williams; Presentation Slides-Watson; Recording
- February 3: Introduction to Google’s AI for Weather & Climate team – Jason Hickey. Recording
- December 16: Strategic Plan – Amy McGovern, OU / Data working group – Henry Neeman, OU; Jason Hickey, Google / Coding Standards – David John Gagne, NCAR. Presentation Slides-S&IP; Presentation Slides-Data; Presentation Slides-Coding; Recording
- December 2: Introduction to Del Mar College – Phillip Davis, Dara Betz, Korinne Caruso, Scott King, John Nelson. Presentation Slides; Recording
- November 18: Introduction to the Winter Weather team – Christopher Thorncroft, UAlbany. Presentation Slides; Recording
- November 4: Introduction to the Coastal team – Ruoying He, NCSU; Philippe Tissot, TAMU-CC. Presentation Slides-He; Presentation Slides-Tissot; Recording
- October 21: Introduction to the Convective Weather and XAI teams – Amy McGovern, OU; Nate Snook, OU; David Gagne, NCAR; Amanda Burke, OU; Cameron Homeyer, OU. Presentation Slides; Recording
- October 7: Introduction to the Risk Communication team – Ann Bostrom, UW and Julie Demuth, NCAR. Presentation Slides; Recording